Security. Independence. Peace of mind.
The first steps in achieving long-term financial security are what we deliver to people attending our retirement planning seminars. By learning how to make your assets work to meet your financial needs, you can take decisive steps to make your retirement better.
Here is your opportunity to learn something useful, even life changing. Financial Strategies for Successful Retirement is a four-part, ten-hour course covering all aspects of retirement planning. The class is designed for people at least 50 years old with a net worth of at least $1 million, although anyone interested in preparing better for retirement may attend. Classes run for four consecutive weeks, on the same night each week.
More than 4,000 people like you have found new confidence as they approach or manage retirement, thanks to these seminars. In the next few months, courses will be offered at several locations in the Metro Boston area. Please check the seminar registration page (here) for the latest dates and times.
The cost of the seminar varies by location (usually less than $60), and includes a 200-page course workbook and all other necessary materials. Each seminar registration is good for you and a guest (a spouse or friend), though only one workbook is provided per registration.
Following the seminar, each registrant is entitled to a one-hour personal consultation with one of the CFP® instructors for answers to specific questions. For more information about the content of the seminar or related questions, please feel free to Contact Us, or call our office at 781.235.0405. We’re happy to send along a current course brochure with more detailed information.